Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy Experts

Comprehensive Care for All Pelvic Health Issues

Welcome to CPHW, your premier destination for expert pelvic floor physical therapy in Wheaton and the Western Chicago Suburbs. Our Board-Certified Doctors of Physical Therapy are dedicated to providing specialized and one-on-one care for a wide range of health conditions for men and women, from pregnancy and postpartum recovery, incontinence, pelvic pain, prolapse, bowel issues, and much more. Let us help you regain control of your pelvic health and improve your overall wellness.

Expert Pelvic Floor PT (PFPT)

PFPT is a specialized physical therapy focused on diagnosing and treating conditions related to the pelvic floor muscles. This includes personalized treatment plans and exercises designed to address issues related to your pelvic floor area. The goal is to improve the strength, flexibility, and function of the pelvic floor, leading to better overall health and quality of life. At CPHW, our expert pelvic floor PT is delivered by Board-Certified Doctors of Physical Therapy who are dedicated to providing the highest level of care.

We offer specialized care for:

Our mission at CPHW is to bring awareness to the challenging and complex pelvic health issues women and men face through our individualized care plans in our empathetic environment. We pride ourselves on delivering superior medical care with the utmost respect and professionalism. We are committed to empowering our patients to get back to the life they have been waiting to enjoy!

What makes Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy different at CPHW

One on One Care

60 minute Physical Therapy sessions with your Doctor's dedicated attention in a private room for treatment with a pillow-top medical bed, soft pillows, and real sheets in a beautiful space.

Board Certified Pelvic Health Experts

Our exclusive focus on pelvic floor conditions and disorders sets us apart. All of our therapists are board-certified in Pelvic Rehabilitation and Therapy, ensuring the highest level of expertise and care.

Individualized Treatment Plans

We avoid cookie-cutter exercises. Instead, we create tailored treatment plans that address your unique health concerns and goals, whether it's returning to exercise, reducing lower back pain, improving menopause health, or other objectives.

Holistic Approach

We understand the importance of how your pelvic floor relates to the rest of your body, both physically and mentally. Our holistic approach ensures comprehensive care that considers all aspects of your well-being.

Safe and Inviting Environment

Our Wheaton, IL pelvic pt clinic is designed to provide a positive patient experience, free from cold medical offices, stirrup beds, or open gym spaces with other people working out. We prioritize your comfort and privacy.

Leave with hope

At Chicago Pelvic, you will have your questions answered and leave with a clear plan of healthy actions to take for your health. We aim to empower you with the knowledge and support needed for your journey to wellness.

CPHW is your go to center for pelvic health and wellness

Pelvis and pelvic health treatment room in Wheaton IL.

“When I left my first appointment at CPHW, I cried tears of relief.”

“At Chicago Pelvic, I have found the often-elusive balance of wisdom and warmth--of expertise and compassion. I simply cannot imagine being in better hands.”

Dry needling a pelvic floor pt patient for lower back and tailbone pain relief

“Doing pelvic PT was something I knew I needed to do for literal years, but I was always too scared to go because I didn't know what to expect and was worried I would be judged or shamed in some way. I was SO relieved after my first appointment because you were basically the opposite of what I had been dreading in my mind for so many years.”

“This was really a HUGE step in my journey and I'm so glad that there was someone like you there to guide me. So thank you so much and I look forward to coming back to work with you again. (There is a sentence I never thought I would write in regards to PFPT)”

Debunking Pelvic Health Myths

  • Sexual Discomfort:

    • It's a common myth that mild pain during sex is normal. This misconception often leads to ignoring underlying conditions like dyspareunia, pelvic floor dysfunction, or vaginismus. Advice such as "just relax" or "use more lubricant" can be inadequate, overlooking the need for a comprehensive evaluation and tailored treatment. Proper diagnosis and personalized therapy are crucial for addressing these issues effectively.

  • Internal Pelvic Evaluation:

    • There is a misconception that internal pelvic evaluations or treatments are unnecessary. In reality, these assessments are vital for understanding the health of the pelvic floor muscles. They provide critical insights that aid in accurate diagnoses and the development of effective treatment plans. Skipping these evaluations can lead to missed or misdiagnosed conditions.

  • Postpartum Leaks:

    • Many people believe that leaking after childbirth, especially during activities like sneezing or jumping, is just a "new parent phase." However, stress urinary incontinence is a common issue that can be effectively managed with pelvic floor rehabilitation. This approach offers strategies for recovery and strengthening, helping new parents regain control over their bladder function.

  • Psychological Concerns:

    • Sexual health issues are often dismissed as "all in your head," which neglects the complex interplay between mental and physical health. It's essential to recognize psychosomatic symptoms and address both psychological and physiological factors for holistic treatment. Understanding and treating the mind-body connection can significantly improve sexual health and overall well-being.

  • Pregnancy Pains:

    • Pain during pregnancy is frequently normalized as "part of the process." This overlooks conditions like pelvic girdle pain or symphysis pubis dysfunction, which can cause significant discomfort. Comprehensive prenatal care and targeted interventions can alleviate these pains, enhancing well-being during pregnancy. Proper care can make a substantial difference in a pregnant person's quality of life.

  • General PT vs. Specialized Pelvic PT:

    • A common misconception is that general physical therapy clinics can provide the same level of care as specialized pelvic health physiotherapy. Pelvic health issues demand a multidisciplinary approach, encompassing specialized assessments and treatments not typically offered in general PT. Specialized pelvic PT clinics have the expertise and tools necessary to address the unique challenges of pelvic health effectively.

By debunking these myths and providing accurate information, we aim to empower individuals to seek the appropriate care for their pelvic health needs. Comprehensive evaluations and tailored treatments are key to addressing pelvic floor dysfunctions effectively.

By incorporating this understanding and debunking prevalent myths, we aim to enhance awareness and understanding of pelvic health, emphasizing the importance of specialized care and comprehensive approaches to treatment.