Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy for Pregnant and Postpartum Women: Empowering Your Journey to Wellness

Introduction: Pregnancy and childbirth are transformative experiences that bring joy and happiness to a woman's life. However, they can also lead to physical changes, including pelvic floor issues. Pelvic floor physical therapy is a specialized form of therapy designed to address and alleviate pelvic health concerns during pregnancy and postpartum. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of pelvic floor physical therapy for pregnant and postpartum women, what to expect during therapy sessions, and when it is best to start this empowering journey to wellness.

Does Pelvic Floor Therapy Help Postpartum? Absolutely! Postpartum pelvic floor physical therapy is an invaluable resource for new mothers. After childbirth, many women experience pelvic floor-related issues such as urinary incontinence, pelvic pain, and weakened pelvic muscles. Pelvic floor therapy offers targeted exercises and techniques to strengthen and restore the pelvic floor, providing relief and promoting a quicker recovery after giving birth.

At Chicago Pelvic Health and Wellness, our postpartum pelvic floor physical therapy sessions are tailored to each individual's needs. Our board-certified Doctors of Physical Therapy work closely with patients to create personalized treatment plans that focus on their unique concerns and goals.

What to Expect at Postpartum Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy? During your initial postpartum pelvic floor therapy session at Chicago Pelvic Health and Wellness, you will meet with one of our experienced Doctors of Physical Therapy. They will conduct a comprehensive evaluation to assess the current state of your pelvic floor. This may involve questions about your pregnancy, childbirth, and any symptoms you may be experiencing.

Based on the evaluation, your therapist will design a customized treatment plan, which may include various therapeutic techniques such as kegel exercises, myofascial release, biofeedback, and other evidence-based approaches. The goal is to help you regain strength, stability, and control of your pelvic floor muscles, promoting optimal healing and overall well-being.

How Soon After Birth Can You Do Pelvic Floor PT? While every woman's postpartum journey is unique, it is generally safe to start pelvic floor physical therapy within a few weeks after childbirth. Before initiating therapy, it is essential to consult with your healthcare provider to ensure that your body is ready for the exercises and treatments involved in pelvic floor therapy.

At Chicago Pelvic Health and Wellness, our team of experts is well-versed in postpartum care, and we will work closely with you and your healthcare provider to determine the appropriate time to begin therapy. Our focus is on your safety, comfort, and long-term well-being.

When Should I Do Pelvic Floor PT During Pregnancy? Pelvic floor physical therapy during pregnancy is equally essential, as it can help prevent and address pelvic health issues before they become more challenging to manage. Pregnancy puts increased pressure on the pelvic floor, which can lead to conditions such as pelvic pain, incontinence, and pelvic organ prolapse.

Ideally, you should consider starting pelvic floor physical therapy during the second trimester of pregnancy. By beginning therapy early, you can strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, improve their flexibility, and gain essential knowledge about the changes your body undergoes during pregnancy. This proactive approach can significantly benefit your pregnancy experience and postpartum recovery.

Conclusion: Empower Your Journey to Wellness with Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

Pregnancy and postpartum are remarkable phases in a woman's life, and they deserve to be enjoyed to the fullest. Pelvic floor physical therapy is a valuable resource that can help pregnant and postpartum women overcome pelvic health challenges, embrace their journey to motherhood, and enhance their overall well-being.

At Chicago Pelvic Health and Wellness, our veteran and women-owned clinic is committed to providing expert pelvic floor physical therapy services to all individuals, regardless of gender. Our board-certified Doctors of Physical Therapy offer personalized care, empowering patients to reclaim their pelvic health and live life to the fullest.

To learn more about our pelvic floor physical therapy services and to book your consultation, visit Let us be your partners on this empowering journey to wellness!

Contact Information: Chicago Pelvic Health and Wellness 301 S County Farm Rd, Suite H Wheaton, IL 60187 Phone: 773-219-2749 Email:









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